Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Book 'em Danno!

So I think I've told you that I got my contract to teach seventh grade in the mail (if I didn't - I just did!) and included in that large packet was a fingerprint card. Yes, I had to go get fingerprinted, again. I've done it at least once before I remember, I was fingerprinted to be a substitute teacher in Kalamazoo Public Schools. I also might have been fingerprinted to work in my church but the details of that are sketchy, it was about 10 years ago. Anyways, I had to get fingerprinted again says the FBI and Arizona Department of Education. The old ones aren't good. And I have to pay them $52 to process them. And pay Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety $12 to have them done. And what a treat it was. I had to wait forever (like 30 minutes) and then because, in the words of the police officer taking my prints, I have soft and oily skin on my fingers, they didn't turn out great. She had to redo one of my pinkies 7 times! 7! I counted. So yeah, I don't know if the FBI will accept them (it says that only one re-do is allowed per finger, but this cop seemed in control and I was not about to argue with a pregnant woman packing a pistol and a badge and wondering where the deli guy was - I kid you not).
So that's my story of the fingerprints. The kind of obnoxious guy Andrew who announced he was my fingerprinting buddy said we should just get arrested and then we'd get our prints for free might have had a point but today wasn't a day I really wanted to see from the inside of a holding cell:-)

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