Thursday, May 18, 2006

One box down!

I packed my first box this morning. I finally did it. After weeks of moving things around, sorting, moving empty boxes to new spots in the apartment, I broke down and packed a box. A box of DVDs, that was soon followed by another box of DVDs (and do I ever watch these movies?!?!). And then a box of school supplies and books for my new classroom. So that's three if you're counting. Then I gave up:-)
Not really - I have piles and more piles. But it's a process as all of you know. Packing doesn't just happen magically overnight, unless of course you are the President of the United States and you have a staff who packs you up in an hour and a half. And Angela has so unkindly informed me I do not have a staff. Drats!
In other news - I have been "writing" today. Really going over Patricia's story and trying to figure out what comes next. She's pretty evolved already and we're heading to her big story moment soon. Angela was devestated by her big moment and I was thrilled. I think that's the difference between the reader and the writer.
If you too want to know Patricia's story, let me know and I'll maybe let you be an early reader;-) Just maybe - there's a pretty tough selection process you must make it through first!


The World through Angel's Eyes said...

In my world-packing is right up there with the bird flu, world famine, and poverty-the world could do without it. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just move, take only the sentimental things, and then replace EVERYTHING when we got to our destination?
I would love to read some of your novel. I'm so excited about what you are working on. I don't even know the details. I just get excited because you are.

Anonymous said...

i want to read.....i want to read!!! jamee