Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Almost time to get Lost

This will be quick as I'm about to go be stranded on my couch watching my favorite island folks:-)
I just completed my to-do list and I feel so good about it I could dance! Isn't it a great feeling when you accomplish all that you wanted to? I had a list of work to do today and I got it all done plus some. Angela helped me with this by reminding me to do one thing at a time. I have problems with that concept. I often attempt to do multiple things at once. Such as dinner tonight. I was attempting to cook my own dinner, make soup for tomorrow's dinner, and make a taco salad for tomorrow's lunch simultaneously. And I realized I couldn't. So I stopped. I put things away and concentrated on one thing at a time. Thank God, literally, for Angela!
But back to the list - of course, I put writing off until the end, even though logically I know better. I know I should "pay myself first" just as I do by putting even $10 into my savings before writing one check. But I put it off and off. I read a book instead, I wrote lesson plans for the rest of the semester, I wrote lectures, I did laundry, I even emptied the dishwasher. I read a magazine. I did grades. I graded papers. Until all that was left on my to-do list was write 500 words.
And then I ran across this quote today, "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse." So I decided if I really want to be a writer, I had to find some way to get beyond that fear that paralyzes my fingers on the keyboard at times and just write.
I reread what I've been working on then opened a new word document. And I wrote. 593 words to be exact. I overachieved. And it feels good. I feel like I can rest for a bit, go watch Lost, and enjoy my evening. And know that I am a writer because I did it:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl. I have quite a long to do list and most items on it are long term stuff. It would take me forever to do one thing at a time. My goal is also to finish everything on my to do list eventually. Sadly I do find excuses. But you post has helped me today. Thanks.