Thursday, March 23, 2006

Best and worst of days

It was the best of days and it was the worst of days. As a teacher that is:-) I had one student show for my first class, and an hour late. So there was that. But then I went to my next class where we had an awesome discussion about the types of nonverbal communication. It was one of those classes that seemed to last ten minutes but we were still talking when class ended. We could have gone another hour or more, it was so great. So that rallied my spirit tremendously.
I had an interesting conversation tonight about expectations and choices and how we set our expectations so high that when we fail to meet them, as we inevitably will do from time to time, that we almost can't stand it. That we come down so hard on ourselves, much harder than anyone else could. If we were a friend of ours, we would be so kind but we're not and that's interesting to me. We have the choice to make the expectations that high or not and to treat ourselves well or not. I like knowing that, realizing that.
Also - I read an article by Anne Lamott tonight (probably my favorite writer ever, she just rocks!) and she talked about how if we aren't happy with ourselves now, we won't be happy with ourselves 20 pounds from now. That's an interesting theory. What, besides me, stops me from being happy right here. Now. Today. This very moment.
The answer is nothing. Absolutely nothing. We get to make the choice to be happy or not. What a concept.
So tonight I choose to be happy. I choose to recognize I have choices, limitless, unimaginable, exciting choices.
Right now I choose to sit back, wrap up in my afghan (made by my mom! it's the best blanket ever), and relax. And be happy. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that my baby-sitter would ever become so wise. And that was not sarcasm. :) --Sus