Wednesday, March 29, 2006


You know how when you make a decision and instantly you question yourself? Oh, come on. I know you all do. I do it - constantly. That's what I am in the process of doing right now. Should I have eaten that cookie? Maybe I shouldn't have signed that cell phone contract. I should have worn the sweater, it's too cold for just a jacket. Yes, yes, I should have worn the sweater.
But then I am reminded by many people in my life, that we get to make a decision, wear it around for a while, and then if we want, we can make another decision, or a hundred more. So there's that. But it's still a lot to think about.
So yeah -
Good news, there were 3 students in my morning class yesterday. I think that's some kind of record for me. I'm starting to wonder how summer session will look there. The dean says that enrollment goes down but I'm not sure it can get much lower. Another teacher and I decided that this generation (yes, in fact, my own generation) has a major problem with apathy. And we have no idea what to do about it. Political apathy, societial apathy, personal apathy, you name it.
So what are you apathetic about? (by the way, apathy means lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference for those of you apathetic to vocabulary).
I am apathetic, to an extent about politics. Try as I might, volunteering for campaigns, debating until I'm blue in the face, etc. I can't feel a sense of change with the state or national political scene. Maybe it's that I don't know how to get involved in the right way. So I don't anymore.
Okay - enough rhetoric for now. It's off to check things off my to-do list! Later gators:-)


Anonymous said...

i am proud of you! jamee

Angela said...

Dude, what is your excuse to not be blogging! I need to know things!