Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I feel I owe all of you who have been reading my blog a moment. I'm packing and doing laundry and repacking, to get ready for my trip to Yuma, Arizona. I am so excited. I leave tomorrow morning at 7:45 out of Detroit, so say a prayer for the women and men who will have my life in their hands while I'm 20,000 feet above y'all. I'll be gone until the following week so you might not get a post for a few days (or 11) but I will be back - have no fear. Even if I do run off to Mexico, I'm sure I can find a cyber cafe to stop into.
Enjoy your week, think good thoughts, and remember: few things are as important as they seem, and usually what is really important, we neglect. I'm going to try and remember that this week.
Later gators;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun Sarah - wear some sunscreen : ) Arizona is beautiful!