Monday, March 13, 2006

Spring has arrived. It is official in my book. Yes, I know the calendar lists the first day of spring as March 20th and today is only March 13th but it's 64 degrees outside (I just spent an hour walking in the awesome warmth), it's supposed to get up to 68 today (warmer than Yuma's projected high of 67 - take that AZ!), the birds won't shut up, and there are worms everywhere. I am thinking of starting my very own worm store - Sarah's Slimy Strings. $5 a box. They look like great fishing worms, in case you wondered.
Okay, time to hit the showers then the books! Mexico stories to come.....
P.S. - There's now a tornado watch for Kzoo county and it's 70 degrees and it's supposed to be a high of 38 tomorrow with snow. Gotta love MI.

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