Thursday, April 20, 2006

Buy American - you'll be thanked

So here's a funny, interesting thing that happened to me yesterday. I went to the branch library by my house (it's a smaller version of the big library downtown). I finished my last audiobook and was picking up The Da Vinci Code to listen to (I've read it once but wanted to "read" it again before seeing the movie).
As I go to get out of my car, this lady in the minivan next to me smiles and says she likes my Saturn (I have a red Saturn VUE for those of you who don't know). I thanked her and went to lock up but she continued chatting. She looked to be about 65 and seemed friendly. She asked me if I liked my car and I said yes, I really do. She then thanked me for buying American. I wasn't sure how to respond so I just nodded. She went on to say, in a somewhat apologetic tone (which now seems hilarious to me) that her husband is Japanese. Like she had to apologize for the fact that she didn't "buy" American:-) She said he worked for a company that sold parts to foreign car companies and as such, they had to drive a foreign minivan. I wanted to tell her most foreign minivans are now made right here in the U.S.A. but I didn't. I just listened. But she was so cute in her tone. She went on to ask me how I liked my VUE and was it roomy and did it drive well. Then she thanked me again and I went on my way, her calling out that she was going to show her husband my car when he came outside.
As I was walking into the library an older, Japanese, gentleman was walking out and I smiled. Wondering what he might think about his wife sharing with me:-)

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