Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Reading and Driving

Can I just say that technology is amazing. I'm speaking tonight of the technology of audiobooks. I love 'em! Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em! I started listening to them last summer when I was driving to Jackson for work a few days a week. And I just started a new one Tuesday - it's Anna Quindelin's Black and Blue and it's so good (I'm already an AQ fan but it's very good). And it's not just listening to a book for those of you unfamiliar with the activity. The person reading the book is usually very dramatic and trained to pull out the story for you. I've listened to Steve Martin read one of his books and that was great, and Lynn Thigpen who was amazing and read and sang The Bluest Eye (by Toni Morrison - an awesome piece of literature, awesome) which was amazing. But yeah so, check them out if you haven't given books on CD a try.
But yeah so I'm listening to this story and I get mesmerized by it. So much so that I want to drive a little slower and that I sit in my carport when I get home waiting for the chapter to end. And I'm pretty excited at the prospect of 5 hours in the car in the next 5 days to finish the book! And this summer, driving cross country, I can't wait to get a good "book" - I'm looking for recommendations - bring 'em on! :-)

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