Monday, April 24, 2006

Tough enough?

Yesterday I wore jeans to school. Not such a big deal, I know. But I'm the teacher - and since I don't have Friday classes, I usually don't do a casual day. But inevitably, as the semester wears down I care less and less and know my position of authority with these students cannot be usurped by my wearing denim. So I wore jeans. And then a funny thing happened as I was leaving school - my pocket caught on the handle of a door, and ripped completely away from my pants! Leaving my back end exposed, red and white striped underware for all to see. Granted, there was no one but me in the corridor but I was mortified. Thankfully I was wearing a hooded sweater I promptly tied around my waist but still. Shouldn't blue jeans, made of sturdy denim, be tough enough to encounter a door handle? What's next is all I ask:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! It must be rip your pants season. A guy at work ripped a small whole in his jeans today on the ledge of the freezer. I think a stronger denim should be researched and produced.