Monday, April 03, 2006

The lost hour

I was pretty excited tonight when I got out of my night class and there it was, in the sky, not yet hidden...the sun:-) So, even though Daylight Savings Times robbed us of an hour's sleep Saturday night, it has given us our evenings. And it's splendid! So that's my happiness for today. Just thought I'd share. (Oh - funny side note, my atomic clock, the one that's supposed to be right all the time, that's supposedly linked to a satalite somewhere in the sky, hasn't changed yet. It's still an hour off. Gotta love technology!)
Other than that, I'm thinking and getting excited about the move. I've collected 3 boxes and am thinking about what to put in them but I'm trying to be patient and do what needs to be done first first. One thing at a time.

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