Thursday, April 06, 2006

Joey Pigza rocks!

Do the deadlines ever stop? Angela was giving me crap tonight (actually right now, she's currently plugged into my ear) about not blogging and so here I am:-) Blogging at 10 o'clock on a Thursday night.
So today was a pretty normal day, 2 students in class which isn't bad and I got all my prep work done for that class for the rest of the semester which is awesome. Then I read during lunch which was relaxing and then went to KVCC where class went well - good discussion with a little prompting:-)
This afternoon Angela called me and said that if I teach 7th grade I'll need a classroom library. Which the school does not pay for. So we decided that I should have a 'School Shower'. I ran this by a friend tonight who is a bit older than me and single with no kids and she agreed. We go to so many wedding and baby showers (some for marriages that barely make it a year) that we should get to have a shower too - as single girls. (We discussed the Sex in the City episode where Carrie adds up all the money she's spent on showers and weddings and babies of friends and decides to register for shoes - $500 shoes.) So we all decided a school shower would be good - especially for a new teacher going to a place that needs a lot of help, working with kids who need a lot of help. What do you all think?
I figure it's kinda like a mission trip - like when we would go to Mountain T.O.P. and raise money to go. This time I'll be raising books and such:-) Well anyway, I think it's a splendid idea. And the first books on my registery will be the Joey Pigza books - they are wonderful!!!!


Angela said...

As long as we are registering, I'll take the $500 shoes!

Anonymous said...

That is really cool! Does B& N do a gift registry?