Monday, April 24, 2006

Lacrosse anyone?

So I went to my first lacrosse game this weekend. And no, before another person asks, it wasn't a Duke lacrosse game. It was pretty exciting.
Here's how defines lacrosse: A game played on a rectangular field by two teams of ten players each, in which participants use a long-handled stick that has a webbed pouch on one end to maneuver a ball into the opposing team's goal.
Here's how I define lacrosse: hockey without ice and with nets on the sticks. Plus the puck bounces. Yep - they can body check in lacrosse and apparently some of these high schoolers have been known to fly through the air. It also looked a little like Quidditch to me - you know, Harry Potter's game. If only they had been on brooms. But I kept thinking that and thinking it was pretty cool.
It's a club sport in Portage, a pricey one I gather and I wonder who came up with it. I suppose I could research it a bit but I'll see if anyone out there can tell me instead. A prize to the best answer!

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