Saturday, April 08, 2006

"School Shower"

So my "School Shower" idea is getting rave reviews so I'll keep you posted!
Nothing terribly exciting is happening right now, it's early Saturday morning and I'm enjoying the sunshine (even if it is 27 degrees outside) and quiet with some Jennifer Knapp playing in the background (her album Kansas is still one I can listen to over and over and over - check it out for some beautiful worship music).
Today is writing day as yesterday was a bit of a wash for that. I had a mini-breakdown after cancelling my phone and DSL service, mostly over the lack of funds I feel I have (perception is reality, right?!?!) but I recovered with the help of the best support system in the world (shout outs to Mom, Dad, and Angela!) and errands to keep me busy. I also worked on my last Kalamazoo Gazette story about different types of gardens. It's pretty interesting actually, I've written about Shaker gardens and herb gardens so far, I'm learning a lot. Then I got to go bowling! (Shout out to another of my f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s support systems Joe and Amanda!) And as luck would have (there's little to no skill involved in my bowling) I managed a 102 both games. Then we played a little Apples to Apples (great game!) and Cranium which is way more difficult than it sounds (especially when you have to hum to William Tell Oveture and no one on your team has ever seen The Lone Ranger and then they call you old when you say you remember watching black and white shows on Nick at Night, not just Roseanne). But even harder is trying to guess what someone else is humming. Don't believe me? You just try it!
So now I'm going to write - wish me quick fingers and lots of imagination. I'll keep you posted!

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